Teachers prepare to potentially return to in-person instruction

Classrooms are being set up, new technology is being implemented


Photo courtesy of Winnie Sloan

OPHS teachers start preparing for Hybrid Model teaching.

As the potential beginning of the hybrid model of instruction for secondary schools approaches, many teachers are updating their classrooms for the new set-up.

“[The district] worked with me to set up my unique classroom the way I want to do it, so I was grateful for that,” Science department chair Winnie Sloan said.

The changes to the classroom come in part as a result of more technology in the classroom. Some teachers have a camera mounted on their SmartBoard so all students in the classroom are visible on video calls to students at home. Additionally, some teachers have received a document camera that will capture teachers instructing in front of their SmartBoards, and iMacs to coordinate the video calls on.

Some teachers are working to get more comfortable with the new technology that will be implemented for the Hybrid model. These teachers, at the middle school and high school level, are known as Secondary Tech Innovators, a meeting for whom was held by lead Tech TOSA Ellen Chevalier on Feb. 26.

“What I think [the purpose of the meeting was to] get enough people comfortable with the process so they can help those within their department, because we try to have a tech innovator for every department,” Sloan said.