Practical skills are a must-have

Teenagers are not learning the life skills they need, is it too late now?


Porter Nicoll/Talon

Life skills are a central aspect of the learning process for many teenagers. Learning skills with everyday uses after high school helps teenagers understand how to move forward adequately prepared for the outside world. A good education should teach students how to survive on their own. Although parental figures and mentors can help teach these skills, the school should also be involved in teaching practical skills. 

Life skills are an important area of learning for kids. This set of skills guides children in knowing the difference between right and wrong and effectively allows them to get by in life,” author Lauren Du Plessis stated.

One of the most crucial life skills is the ability to provide nourishing and delicious food for oneself or the other people around you. Cooking and baking require the mind to pay attention to little details and concentrate for long periods. Patience is a skill that takes practice, and by cooking one can sharpen their patience practically and enjoyably. Cooking also teaches responsibility, helping students understand that the quality of the food revolves around the dedication of the person making it. 

“Cooking can aid children in acceptance of responsibility. Each child has a task to complete to contribute the meal preparation and cleanup. Cooking in schools can build positive memories that promote future healthy, enjoyable cooking elsewhere,” Mary Ann McFarland said. 

Another essential life skill is time management, the optimal organization of time. We can add a seminar about time management and dealing with the stress of not having enough time. With proper time management, the people and products that truly matter can be prioritized. Focus, and the mental aspects of dealing with difficult situations with limited time, can be increased by taking classes such as these. 

“When you manage your time, you have a greater focus on your most productive activities. This helps build positive habits. It also ensures you spend more time on the activities that help you reach your goals,” Mark Pettit stated. 

Some may argue that our parents can and should teach us all the necessary life skills. Doing the dishes and cleaning our rooms can teach kids responsibility just as well as a dedicated class. Another example could be learning how to get along with siblings and let go of anger. Despite this, we must also remember that many kids do not have active and supportive parental figures, making teaching life skills hard. With the addition of these time management seminars during school hours, all students will be accounted for, no matter their home life. Everyone has their way of dealing with stress, although learning to handle it in situations such as arguments with a sibling and loved one can be most beneficial.

“Siblings will fight no matter what. However, the problem-solving techniques you teach them now will serve them well as they grow older in their day-to-day lives,” Cleveland Clinic said. 

Although parents can effectively teach life skills, schools should still be actively involved in teaching them. Dealing with emotions, doing chores and helping family can be learned at home. But this doesn’t mean that schools shouldn’t be able to provide educational opportunities for more in-depth topics that involve one-on-one time and group work. Some of these skills come with learning how to make food, realizing what actions are deemed incorrect and irresponsible and accomplishing work with limited time. These different skills allow students to strive outside of school beyond just the core classes and into real-life scenarios.