Oak Park Unified School District was among the top 10 California unified school districts for students’ high scores on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) testing. The standardized testing included separate English Language Arts (ELA), Math and Science tests.
OPUSD was ranked seventh in ELA, ninth in math and third in science statewide for all unified school districts. 81% of students met the ELA standards, 73% met the math standards and 72% met the science standards. This level of achievement surpassed the state’s total proficiency percentages, which were below 50% for all three tests.
“[This is] a testament to the resilience, hard work and academic prowess of our students and our outstanding and highly skilled teachers, staff and administrators,” Dr. Jeff Davis said in a ParentSquare post.
Oak Park High School performed particularly well. Juniors took the tests in the spring and achieved 91% proficiency in ELA, 76% proficiency in math and 82% proficiency in science.
“No single metric comprehensively summarizes everything going on at a high school,” OPHS principal Mat McClenahan said. “However, the performance of OPHS students on the CAASPP and CAST tests last year is a testament to the outstanding efforts of our students and teachers. We continue to perform at the highest academic level and look forward to continued achievement.”