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OPHS remembers Brian Wolverton

Students hold a memorial for military alum

On April 5, 2024, Oak Park High School held a memorial for Brian Wolverton, an OPHS alum who died fighting in Afghanistan in 2009.

With the help of English teacher Kathleen Schultheis, OPHS seniors Johnathon Manley and Jackson Hill organized the memorial dedicated to preserving Brian’s memory. The memorial featured student and administrative speakers with performances from the OPHS Band and Choir. 

One of the speakers, junior Sharanya Palakodeti shared the story behind what inspired her involvement. 

“Ms. Schultheis always teaches her students that it is important to take a second and pause in the continuity of our lives to recognize individuals who strive to protect our country,” said Palakodeti. “That is exactly what motivated me to be a part of [this memorial.]”

Junior Hudson Friedman, another speaker at the memorial emphasized why it is important for the Oak Park community to continue remembering Wolverton. 

“Learning about Brian Wolverton truly illuminated the idea of never forgetting,” Friedman said. “It is the behavior of remembering that allows us as a society to never forget those who have made a significant contribution to the world we live in, and that was the very reason I got involved in this memorial.”

Upon learning more about Brian, Palakodeti recognized the rarity behind his sacrifices. 

“We realized that Brian was like any of us who had big dreams and wanted a long life but [sacrificed] it for our country,” Palakodeti said. “There are very few people who are willing to do that.”

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