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Seniors’ best kept secret: be productive with your summer

Boosting your college applications

Although summertime is commonly considered a time to relax and enjoy the warm weather, the long break between school years can also be utilized to prepare for your future. As college admissions have become increasingly more complex, having an application filled with meaningful experiences sets outstanding students apart from the other applicants.

So, what should you do this summer to prepare for your future? The answer varies depending on your potential career path. Even if you are still determining what you want to study in college and beyond or which professional field you want to pursue, there are alternative and more general activities you can do over the summer to gain helpful experience. Grades are not the only pivotal factor in college admissions decisions and you can demonstrate your talents and passions in numerous ways.

Let’s take a look at opportunities to explore your passions this summer.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math:

A great way to immerse yourself in the STEM field is by interningwith companies, organizations and individuals who work or specialize in the STEM field of your choice. Some of these opportunities are more organized and require applications and a selection process. In contrast, others can be obtained by simply contacting a local business via email or phone.

Among the more organized and selective programs are those at college campuses. Locally, many University of California campuses offer specialized programs in numerous fields of study and are known for their high school research opportunities.

The Research Mentorship Program is available to ambitious high school students at UC Santa Barbara. Aspiring students must submit an application months before the summer. Students participating in the RMP program will gain valuable experience as their research will be presented at an academic symposium and formally written in a research paper. Students will also earn college credit through the completion of the RMP program.

Another well-known program, COSMOS, is held at UC San Diego, UC Los Angeles, UC Davis, UC Irvine and UC Santa Cruz. COSMOS is an “intensive four-week Summer Residential Pre-College program” designed for hard-working and intelligent California high school students interested in the STEM fields. Like the RMP program, COSMOS also requires an application that includes a personal statement, transcripts and letters of recommendation. Students at COSMOS gain experience in their respective STEM fields through hands-on activities and instruction from degree-earning individuals.

The programs mentioned above can be costly, but they offer scholarships to applicants to help reduce the cost of attendance. An alternative to these programs is enrolling in a community college course to gain experience in a general field or specific topic. All California community college courses are free of cost to high school students who have their high school’s approval and meet the college’s requirements. 

There are many other fantastic summer programs that you can take part in and all it requires is a quick search on the internet. Additional opportunities exist to explore your interests by interning with or shadowing an individual, business or company in your desired field and can help demonstrate your dedication and sincere interest in a subject. Contacting local businesses in the STEM industry could land you the opportunity to explore your passions.

Humanities, English, History and Languages:

Similar to the STEM pathway, jobs and internships in the humanities are great ways to gain valuable experience and display devotion to a specific field. Whether working in a large corporation or a small business, allocating time to these activities displays your passion for your college applications. 

One job or internship opportunity that is more large-scale is working for a political campaign or your local government representative. By securing an internship with a local representative like Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin, you can look forward to “learning the dynamics of working in a legislative district office while making an impact in their [your] community.” Many local political leaders have open internships for high school students to apply to, so by securing your spot, you can develop valuable skills. 

Similarly, if you are passionate about the legal system,  consider contacting local law offices for an internship. By simply being present, you can see the internal processes of this field and are able to assist and observe. This may require some research and persistence, but through the internship search process alone, you can develop critical thinking and tenacity. 

Additionally, the Oak Park community offers internship opportunities for students. If you are interested in English or literature as a major in college, then volunteering at a local Ventura County Library and developing literacy skills might be the right fit for you.

On a smaller but more individualized scale, if you are passionate and well-versed in a foreign language and are interested in pursuing a career in this field, then tutoring community members who need to learn either English or another language could be right for you. 

Research opportunities are less common in the humanities than in the sciences, but there is an alternative to publishing your work. By writing and publishing your literary work via a private publishing firm, poetry competition or by contributing to the Oak Park High School Veritas Literary Magazine, you can show colleges your dedication to your craft. 

Creating and continuously updating a LinkedIn profile can also be a significant help in the search for a job or internship. You can discover many opportunities on LinkedIn, and by keeping your profile current, you can keep yourself organized when applying for future career opportunities. 


If the potential internships above do not fit your interests or career aspirations, you can still participate in research or acquire an internship in any field you choose. By contacting local business leaders or offices in your area, you can gain experience in any field desired with minimal or no cost.

Venturing outside of your comfort zone and taking initiative is crucial to success in securing internships, jobs and research opportunities, so take the extra step this summer to pursue your passions and set yourself up for success after high school.

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