Step into the fantastical world of magic with Oak Park High School’s production of “Puffs” performed on Oct. 24-26.
The story follows a young boy named Wayne who travels to a certain school of magic. He is placed in the house “Puffs,” one of the more disregarded and less respected houses. The plot follows their journey as they redeem their reputation.
Freshman crew member Sonia Hansen found the show enjoyable.
“[The play] was very fun!” Hansen said.“I think that while it was hard to follow [since I was backstage], I knew just enough to know that it was super funny and fun for both the actors and audience.”
Junior Kate Pipkins went to watch the play and shared her experience.
“The play was enjoyable, the plot was pretty straightforward and I really appreciated the costumes and set that was interesting and engaging,” Pipkins said. “I am not the largest fan of Harry Potter, [but] I’ve read a couple books and I’ve watched most of the movies quite a long time ago. If you are a Harry Potter fan I think it would be very enjoyable to get the subtle jokes and references. Overall, I thought it was an enjoyable and well put together production.”