At Oak Park High School, the Finance Club is driven by their shared passion for financial literacy. Primarily club meetings focus on teaching about investing, banking and personal finance. The club provides students with an opportunity to explore finance even if they don’t decide to take a class specifically dedicated to it.
“In 2023 me and Winston Zhu started the club in order to share our knowledge and interest in finance with others,” cofounder Jon Zhang said. “My main goal with the club has always been to teach others what I wish I knew earlier, especially regarding investments.”
Something the presidents are currently working on implementing at Finance club is a shared simulated stock portfolio where active members offer their own investment ideas. In this hands-on project, club members work together to research, select and track stocks in a simulated investment portfolio.
“I am really excited about it [the investment portfolio],” Zhang said. “I think it will be really helpful in the long run for members to get real-world investing experience.”
Finance club is open to everyone at OPHS and it serves as an educational opportunity for those trying to explore the world of finance.
“I initially just joined the club because my friends were running the club, but I’ve actually ended up learning a lot and I even started investing,” club member Aryan Drona said. “I would recommend it to my friends even if they weren’t that interested in finance because I didn’t think it would end up being for me but now I see the value in it.”
Club meetings are held in I-02 and for more information about dates and times, you can contact the club’s president’s Winston Zhu at [email protected] or Jon Zhang at [email protected].