Water leak in G-Building

Cook temporarily relocates

Jasmine Lahooti, Guest Writer

During the rain on Monday, October 25, DJ Cook’s Period 6 U.S History class, water started to leak out of the wall, damaging it. The administration shortly shut his class down to repair the damage. 

“10 years ago, they put a smart board in the room, but they drilled through a 4-inch steel drainage pipe to mount it,” Cook said. “Because the screw was in the pipe, it didn’t create a hole, but when the heavy rain came, [water] was just coming down the wall. I took a little tiny straw, got it at an angle and put it in the hole … then water started squirting out.”

While his classroom was being repaired, Cook’s U.S History and Geopolitics classes were forced to be moved to other classrooms. That adjustment caused the curriculum of the classes to be changed to watching video recordings of the lessons. 

“I had to significantly downgrade what I normally do in the classroom because I was in four to five different classrooms in the last few weeks … it was hard to bring the ‘Cook show’ on the road. I had to do the bare minimum because I didn’t know where I would be from one class period to the next,” Cook said. 

Some students’ understanding the curriculum was affected by the impromptu changes

“I have had to relocate in order to learn and my lesson modified to fit said new location which affected me by not being able to really understand my material as usual,” sophomore Emily Rhode wrote to the talon.

Cook has since returned to his classroom on Wednesday, Nov. 10 after repairs were made.