Coach’s Roundtable

Adam Helfstein / Talon

From left to right: Coach Webb, Coach Klamecki and Coach Shaw

There has been much talk over the past year and a half about the wrinkles that the COVID-19 pandemic has created for both students and teachers. However, the pandemic also disrupted the schedules of another part of school faculty — coaches. This is especially true given that team chemistry is so crucial to team success.

“The closer you can get off the court, the better you’re going to be on the court,” head boys’ basketball coach Aaron Shaw said.

In a time where in-person contact was at one time prohibited and now limited, coaches needed to adapt greatly.

“Flexibility has been the biggest thing for me this year,” head football coach Casey Webb said.

Now, with the in-person school year in full swing, some aspects of normalcy have returned.

“Last year, we had all of our team events outside of soccer, like team dinners, buses, taken away, so I think the kids appreciate the little things we’re going to be able to do this year,” head girls’ soccer coach Kathryn Klamecki said.

To hear more, click HERE to listen to the full podcast.