Club Spotlight: Barbara’s Talk

A club dedicated to bringing joy to senior citizens

Barbara’s Talk is a club dedicated to combating one of the biggest challenges senior citizens face: loneliness. From letter writing to manicures to gift baskets, the club hopes to improve the daily lives of those within the community.

“The goal of Barbara’s Talk is to connect high school students with isolated senior citizens,” co-Vice President Aviva Medved said. “We go into senior homes and hope to connect with them on a personal level.”

The mission of Barbara’s Talk resonates among high school students. The popularity of the club has led Barbara’s Talk to partner with a foundation outside of Oak Park High School.

“We partner with an organization called GlamourGals,” co-Vice President Aliza Lam said.

GlamourGals is similar to Barbara’s Talk as both groups work on supporting senior citizens through hosting parties, weekly phone calls and other means of connection.

“We can write anywhere between fifteen to twenty letters in one sitting,” Lam said.

Barbara’s Talk has a number of students working hard to improve the quality of life for senior citizens.

“We’re all working hard to make senior citizens feel closer to a certain community and help them connect with other people,” Medved said.