Club spotlight: Literary Arts Club

Members showcase student writing through “Veritas” literary magazine

The Literary Arts Club provides a safe space for students to showcase their writing while being involved in the creation of Oak Park High School’s annual literary magazine, “Veritas.”  

The club was first introduced to OPHS seven years ago by English teacher Leslie Miller. It is now run by English teacher Jessica Wall and senior Helia Moeini, club president. Members meet bi-weekly to collaborate with each other. This collaboration leads to a student-run publication that puts out an issue of “Veritas” annually. 

This club is one of the many creative outlets for students on campus, allowing them to see their writing published. 

“It’s important for readers on campus to recognize the talent and voice of so many of their peers,” Wall said. “I think it’s even more important for writers on campus to see their work in print.” 

“Veritas” allows students to explore their composing abilities while still having someone to help support them through the entire process. 

“Students are the ones that select what goes into Veritas,” Wall said. “I’m kind of the adult behind the scenes, but otherwise [the club is] totally student-run.”

Wall’s counterpart, Moeini, works to keep the club organized and running smoothly.

“As club president, I make sure to plan out meetings for the week and prepare what we will focus on,” Moeini said. “I also work with Ms. Wall to read over and evaluate students’ submission of creative work.”

In October, the club held a Writpiece crime drama writing competition that allowed students to submit their work for a small cash prize and publication in the magazine.                           

“The winners are chosen by the club member’s ratings which are based on guidelines that make a literary piece of work exceptional,” Moeini said. “We add up all the ratings and choose based on the highest average.” 

This club has brought a positive outlet to campus that provides student writers with an opportunity to gain confidence in their work. 

“It’s pretty common across lots of schools and definitely colleges. It was just a matter of time before it came to Oak Park,” Wall said. “I just wish it was here when I had been a student here.”

Students submitted their work to Veritas in December to finalize the magazine which is currently being rated for publication. Students can expect the official Veritas magazine to be published sometime in April 2023.