What goes on in the OPHS Model UN club?

Club spotlight on the OPHS Model UN club

Photo courtesy Jackson Hill

At Oak Park High School, the Model UN club meets every Wednesday at lunch and sometimes on weekends to discuss different countries and their real-world problems today. The OPHS Model UN club members are picked as ambassadors of each country to take a stance and try to come up with solutions to these problems. Members of the club also meet with other high schools to discuss these countries’ problems and help each other make resolutions.

In meetings, students debate topics on gender equality or taking initiatives on climate action and global health in different countries. Model UN hopes to help solve real-world problems and to equip students with confidence in their speaking skills.

“Then we have to represent that country in a conference with other countries/high schoolers.  We go to conferences at UCLA and USC,” sophomore Navya Sreeraj said.

The ability to debate with other students and get their points of view on world issues allows students to stand up and make a change in these problems. It makes students proactive in wanting to change the world for a better future and helps discuss problems that need to be appointed. 

We hope to equip our generation with skills to solve real-world problems,” sophomore Bhavya Shanmugam said.