Oak Park High School hosted its annual Blood Drive event on Oct. 23. The event was held in the Pavilion throughout the school day.
Junior and ASB member Molly Fingerman has volunteered with the Food for Blood committee in ASB since her freshman year.
“I feel like it’s special to me, to be part of such an important event because we’re saving lives here,” Fingerman said. “I tried to donate blood last year and it did not end very well. So the least I could do is work and volunteer.”
OPIS sophomore and ASB member LJ Johnson volunteered to coordinate the event with Fingerman.
“I just happened to sign up for two shifts and I had a lot of fun [last year],” Johnson said. “I like to help out in ways that I can.”
Senior James Tamisen decided to donate blood because he is passionate about what the opportunity stands for.
“It’s just a simple and easy way to help and give to the community by giving blood, saving lives and helping other people,” Tamisen said.
Blood drive organizer and senior Tess Leong was proud of the overall contributions made by OPHS.
“We collected 33 units of lifesaving blood, and this can directly impact the lives of 99 patients as they battle cancer, receive a transfusion for a blood disorder or undergo surgery,” Leong wrote to the Talon.