What is the difference between attending Columbia and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln? According to UNL alum and the sixth richest man in the world, Warren Buffett, the difference is minimal at best.
“I owe my existence to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln,” Buffett stated in an interview.
Per USNews rankings, UNL is ranked #152 in national university rankings.
When Oak Park High School students look to choose their colleges, they should account for multiple factors. Certain colleges provide a better overall education, while others are more specialized to certain majors. Some are more affordable and offer more financial aid, whereas others are renowned for their beautiful campuses, locations, and nightlife. When deciding between a big-name college and a lesser-known one, fit and major are some of the most important aspects to consider.
Take University of California San Diego as an example. It may be considered less reputable than other colleges, but its Scripps Institute of Oceanography is the best marine biology school in the nation. So while it may not be the best university, marine biology majors would be thrilled to go there, rather than a college like Stanford. Another benefit of attending UCSD is that it costs around $40,000 per year before aid, making it a cheaper alternative to many acclaimed universities.
Still, whether it is because of its groundbreaking research facilities or its commitment to academic excellence, Stanford is ranked highly for a reason. It provides its students with strong undergraduate programs and it’s located in the global tech hub, Silicon Valley, granting valuable connections and employment opportunities. However, it is worth noting that the price for the average Stanford undergrad student is about $93,000 before aid. Depending on their path, those with insufficient resources may accumulate student debt and end up hurting themselves by attending Stanford.
People looking to enjoy the “full college experience” can consider universities like UC Santa Barbara, commonly known as “party schools.” These places are often heavy on Greek life and athletics, with their students frequently engaging in parties and other social events. Alternatively, some prestigious colleges like MIT are far from that, with their primary focus being academics.
Another factor to consider is financial aid. Certain schools, including public ones, offer much more financial aid than top colleges. Even if one gets into a college as well-known as Columbia, they can’t always afford it, so a university like UCLA may be the better choice. While still attracting top students from around the country, UCLA offers much more aid especially to in-state students.
The difference between attending a reputable university and a smaller school is negligible. Ultimately, each person benefits from different experiences. You should choose your school based on your capability, because as long as you have the drive to pursue your interests, any college can be the right fit for you.