After a three-year-long hiatus, club president and sophomore Evelyn Gelman, has reintroduced Academic Decathlon to OPHS. In their first year back, the Aca Deca team placed in the top three in various competitions.
“Our team won more than 15 individual awards, placing 2nd overall for Economics, and placing 2nd for Division 2 Teams,” Gelman wrote.

“Academic Decathlon is a team-based academic competition across ten different subjects,” Gelman wrote to the Talon. “The team prepares for events in art, math, science, social science, speech, interview, economics, literature, music and essay.”
Unlike other clubs, this club is applicant-based, meaning those who were interested needed to submit an application via a Google form in September. Based on GPA, applicants were assigned either Honors (3.80-4.0), Scholastic (3.20 – 3.799) or Varsity (0.00 – 3.199). Applicants then answered questions relevant to acceptance. After the members were chosen, they met every Monday from 2:45 pm to 4:00 pm in C-10, Mrs. Watts’ room.
“Throughout the year, we work together to study for these events by collaborating with each other and teaching each other each subject,” Gelman wrote. “We try to make each meeting fun and interactive because teamwork is key to winning in Academic Decathlon.”
With her previous experience in Academic Pentathlon, a five-event version aimed towards middle schoolers, Gelman was able to adequately help the OPHS team.

“In middle school, my dad encouraged me to do Academic Pentathlon- and at first, I didn’t really want to,” Gelman wrote. “However, I met really amazing people who I am still friends with to this day, and I got to learn about things that I would have never learned in my classes in school. Because of the great experience I had with Academic Pentathlon, I wanted to revive it at Oak Park so others could experience the same things I did. Academic Decathlon showed me the fun in learning and teamwork.”
The club participated in various competitions including a scrimmage practice, an essay writing workshop, jeopardy-style SuperQuiz activities at other high schools, as well as tests on the 10 subjects. Each year the club follows the organization’s assigned theme, which drives the content that is explored.
“The topic of the club changes every year,” wrote Gelman. “From Technology and Humanity to Our Changing Climate, the topic is never the same. Because of this, I feel like I can learn about topics that may not be in my usual area of interest or comfort zone. Besides having done Academic Pentathlon/ Decathlon for many years, I do find myself very interested in the new material that each year has to offer, as well as the new people that I get to meet each year.”
Overall, Gelman is proud of the community that she has created and is ecstatic for the years to come.
“With the efforts of Mrs. Watts and our hardworking team, this year was quite successful,” Gelman wrote. “As time goes on, I am confident that we can improve in the future, qualify for state, and grow closer as a team.”