Oak Park High School is ranked #1 in Oxnard, CA Metro Area Rankings for our performance on state-required tests, graduation and college-preparedness. Though the reasons for our success may vary, it is undeniably thanks to our staff and students. However, it is also important to recognize and appreciate the efforts of our families in this success.
Oak Park High School’s Parent Faculty Association is composed of around 30 parent volunteers that are dedicated to making our school a better place, volunteering and organizing meetings year round. Over the years, that has been done in countless different ways, but the goal has never changed: to make OPHS an incredible experience for students.
“The PFA is always trying to improve our school for you guys [the students], doing things like implementing the new vending machines on campus, or funding educational trips,” PFA president Melissa Brockman said.
PFA meetings are held once a month, in-person at the library or on Zoom, and are open to anyone interested in attending. Items discussed include administrative duties, event planning/reflection and fundraising.
The PFA supports many different groups and clubs as well including; choir, journalism, the Literary Magazine, Mock Trial, Model United Nations, Peer Counseling, Robotics and Speech and Debate. For specific groups such as Mock Trial and Speech and Debate, salaries for coaches and their assistants are directly funded and handled through the PFA.
“[The PFA] supports the teacher, staff, and a large number of academically related clubs and activities in OPHS. If the staff, principal, or clubs need support they all come to us,” Brockman said. “Teachers can fill out funding requests, and the office files out material requests.”
Other PFA volunteers provide their time throughout the academic year, including help with registration, textbook distribution/return, college knowledge night, hospitality committee, winter luncheon, teacher/staff appreciation, English novel sales fundraiser, senior breakfast, grad night and Big Sunday.
In the fall, different college prep activities were also offered by the PFA. Students are offered the option to participate in Mock SAT and ACT exams, bootcamps and workshops to prepare for their actual test.
Scholarships from the OPHS PFA are also available to seniors. Applicants are graded anonymously and five winners receive $1,000 each, and more information about the scholarship will be shared in early spring. To many, any type of financial support makes a significant difference. Countless seniors have benefited from the PFA.
“All the senior ACT/SAT boot camps are arranged and organized by the PFA. The PFA especially tries to support upcoming college students,” Brockman said.
The ways in which PFA supports our community are innumerous. If your family is interested in getting involved, you can contact [email protected].