Oak Park High School’s girls soccer team fought hard these past few months and wrapped up their season on Feb. 3 after a loss to Camarillo High School.
“A challenge for us was adapting to the loss of 10 seniors, which meant we had a mostly new team,” head coach Kathryn Klamecki said. “This caused some initial struggles in terms of chemistry and experience, but we worked through it.”
Due to losing half their roster, the team was forced to overcome difficult obstacles during their season.
“Our ability to face adversity, maintain a strong work ethic and stay positive even during challenging losses… helped us to grow as a team and keep morale high,” Klamecki said.
Similarly, varsity junior Gwen Gove noted that effort and persistence were key factors in persevering through the season.
“Our biggest strength was our grit to push through the games as a team, no matter what the score was,” Gove said. “[Everyone] put in their all and gave 100% every game.”
According to Gove, the team’s greatest accomplishment was their win against Royal on Jan. 27, where Oak Park led 2-0.
“The win showed that losing a few games didn’t bring down our spirit because we managed to push through,” Gove said.
Both Klamecki and Gove agreed that the team’s dynamic is unmatched on and off the field.
“It’s incredible to see the friendships form and grow as we work hard together toward a common goal,” Klamecki said. “Coaching allows me to foster a sense of unity and help the girls develop both as players and individuals.”
Preparing for a successful season next year, Gove shared her excitement to continue playing on the girls soccer team as a senior.
“I’m looking forward to meeting new teammates and picking up where we left off this season, so we can improve and win more games,” Gove said.