Profile: New behavioral instructional aide, Jacqueline Dahl

Photo Courtesy of Jaqueline Dahl

Jaqueline Dahl is starting a position as a Behavioral Instructional Aide this year at Oak Park High School. Prior to coming to OPHS, she was a substitute aide at Los Angeles Unified School District.

“My career as a substitute aide was jumping from school to school and not knowing what I was getting into at each school. There were a lot of pros and cons, and I’m happy that now I get to stick to one school because it gives my life more structure and a lot less confusion,” Dahl wrote to the Talon.

Behavioral Instructional Aides work with individuals and small groups of students with special needs and disabilities.

“It’s about helping your students with whatever your students need assistance with and keeping in contact with all their teachers, making sure your student is utilizing all their accommodation for anything they need extra assistance with,” Dahl wrote.

According to Dahl, starting this position during distance learning has not done a lot to change her job, but it does come with its downsides.

“The only thing it affects is me being able to be more hands-on with my student because we are not in person. I can help them to find what they need, but I can’t physically get it for them and hand it to them in person,” Dahl wrote. “I’m making it work through a lot of face time and waiting to talk to teachers after class if I have any questions regarding my student.”

Dahl’s new position aligns with some of her lifelong goals and aspirations.

“I love working with children and adolescents, and it has been my calling since I was a 9-year-old girl. I live to help people in need and give them the resources to help them along the way.”