Hearts racing fast and feet going faster, UV rays heavy, faces glistening with sweat and eyes glaring with determination to cross the finish line: the girls cross country team is back again and ready to turn heads to make Oak Park High School proud.
With coach White’s expectation that Varsity, JV and FroshSoph can win league this year, the team is unrelentlessly pushing themselves everyday. Running a minimum of 20-25 miles and a maximum of 45-50 miles a week in their summer conditioning trip to Mammoth, California to accomplish their goals for the season.
“58 kids, 15 adults, 4 coaches, it was huge,” head coach Steve White said. “The team responded to all the hard work up there really, really well. The parent volunteers we had were amazing, so it was fantastic.”

As the girls cross country team starts to make their mark both in training and in upcoming meets, the girls already know what Coach White is hoping to achieve.
“We are all motivated to not just go to state, but place at state,” junior Naomi Lazarus said. “As White says, going to state shouldn’t be the goal, getting on the podium should.”
If the heat, foot sores, sun-burns and straining your body to its physical limit doesn’t get you, the absence of fun will. Having fun needs to be a given while running, especially when competing.
“We’re out here to have fun,” White said. “Besides all the competition that I expect us to do very well in, I think that it should be fun. Otherwise it can be pretty stressful, and I want it to be fun for them and I want to go out and then have them together as a large girls team community to go kill it.”
Each year increasingly talented athletes join and enhance the team. This year is no different as some incredible freshmen become part of OPHS girls cross country team.
“The team environment is great. It is definitely much more competitive this year as we got a bunch of new fast freshmen,” Lazarus said. “However, pushing each other to do our best is what matters and our team is great at doing this.”
Just as important as the team environment is the dedication of these girls. Like an eagle eyeing its prey, the girls are ready for whatever challenges they may face in order to reach their goals.
“Cross country is a huge commitment,” sophomore Sylvie Cincineli said. “It is physically demanding but our coaches are very helpful with easing us physically and mentally into our high mileage and preparing us for our long season.”
Outside the track, these student athletes accomplish a lot more than just their athletic achievements, but also academic. Day in and day out, Oak Park athletes consistently work at improving grades, times, mileage goals and it’s no different for the OPHS girls cross country team.
“Yeah it’s actually weird because I get more work done in season than out of season,” junior Michelle Vu said. “I guess it’s just the motivation that I have to get things done.”
With around two hours of practice a day, the time afterwards for school work is cut down making it necessary for the athletes to work hard and manage their time efficiently.
“I always try to stay on top of my work and prioritize school. I make sure to do my work right as I get home,” Cincineli said.
Running in the strenuous heat is no easy task. Your mind has to constantly stay fixed on anything motivational or inspirational to keep your legs moving – or else your mind just gives up, and so does your body. Nevertheless, the girls cross country team has been mentally and physically training themselves since June. This bump on the road is easy for them to avoid.
“There isn’t a girl on the team who isn’t afraid of a challenge and will overcome that challenge,” White said. “From our very newest girls who are figuring how to take that challenge … to our four-year seniors all about setting the example, of: ‘Here’s what today is. Just go do as best you can.’”