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Atmika Iyer

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief

Atmika Iyer joined the Talon in the 2016-2017 school year as a staff writer and continued for the 2017-2018 school year. She became the Opinion Editor for the 2018-2019 school year and served as an Editor-in-Chief in the 2019-2020 school year.

All content by Atmika Iyer

Costco adds new safety measures

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
May 6, 2020

Iwanoff dedicates over 2 decades to OPHS

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
April 29, 2020

Love in the time of COVID-19

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
April 23, 2020

Ideas to earn a little cash from home

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
April 22, 2020

Students’ jobs at risk due to COVID-19

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
April 9, 2020

A philosophical plea for sanity

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
April 2, 2020

COVID-19 impacts OPUSD, updates

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
March 24, 2020
 Varsity softball team practices during fifth period. The team is getting ready for their game against Carpinteria.

Two seniors lead softball team with a new culture

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
March 23, 2020
Faith exists in multiple different countries, in multiple different cultures — it just goes by a different name. Religion is a subjective, and unique experience defined by open-mindedness and belief.

My faith wavered, then disappeared

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
March 20, 2020
Graphic posts are drawn from the twitter account of Gavin Newsom, CA Public Health, the CNN website, the BBC website, the World Health Organization, the Washington Post website, the AP website and the CNN website.

OPUSD shuts down

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
March 14, 2020
The Mock trial black team gets ready to kick butt at competition.

Mock Trial team makes school history

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
February 28, 2020
 ASB advertises all over campus with posters for Mamba Monday.

Mamba Monday starts off spirit week

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
February 26, 2020
DJ Cook teaches his fifth period AP Psychology class about sensation and perception.

Cook and Kinberg create new classes

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
February 10, 2020
The Coronavirus epidemic was first seen on December 31, 2019 and as of now still spreading.

Coronavirus spreads internationally

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
February 13, 2020
Old Talon newspapers become the canvas for art students. They created posters encouraging sustainable practices and environmental literacy.

Teachers and students initiate #NoWasteWeds

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
February 10, 2020
Forget what mass media has branded self-care as. Practice self-care by nurturing yourself.

Consumerism corrupts self-care

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
February 5, 2020
Pictured : Clark Slajchert

Athlete of the week: Clark Slajchert

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
January 14, 2020
Student athletes commit to various colleges

Student athletes commit to various colleges

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
December 15, 2019

We’re not just teenagers anymore

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
December 10, 2019

ADL presents “Hate & Harmony”

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
December 10, 2019
Students from all OPUSD schools join administrators and district leaders in planting trees of gratitude throughout the community.

OPUSD plants roots for remembrance

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
December 10, 2019
Students at OPHS come to school wearing chudidhars, kurtas and other pieces of Indian clothing in celebration of the Hindu festival of lights, Diwali.

The festival of lights comes to OPHS

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
December 6, 2019

Student opens fire at Saugus High School

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
November 15, 2019

Athlete of the Week: Matt Mori

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
November 4, 2019

The ADL comes to Oak Park

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
November 1, 2019
Oak Park High School joins the #FridaysforFuture movements with signs and chants at the end of their fourth period.

A climate crisis, an international outcry

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
October 28, 2019


Atmika Iyer and Sam Barney-Gibbs
September 20, 2019
Paula Friedman educates juniors (left to right) Tamara Berozun and Felicity Gonzalez about the standardized testing process involved with taking the SAT.

New to the College and Career Center, Paula Friedman

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
September 19, 2019

Athlete of the Week : Gianni Smith and Charlize Shields

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
September 6, 2019

Students perform at Five07 Coffee Bar and Eatery

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
May 14, 2019

A thank you to all our educators

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
May 14, 2019

QOTW : Who’s your favorite YouTuber

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
April 25, 2019

QOTW : Who is your favorite TV/movie villain?

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
March 28, 2019

QOTW : What is your favorite childhood movie?

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
February 28, 2019

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
December 10, 2018
The girls' team practices on Mondays and Wednesdays, and often has games on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Girls’ tennis team prepares for league

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
October 1, 2018

The inhibitions of American selfishness

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
September 27, 2018
Students walking out of class before lunch as the school year starts.

Dress code update

Matteo Shahar and Atmika Iyer
August 29, 2018

The Future of Music

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
April 24, 2018
Atmika Iyer

Self Image: Goes beyond physical characteristics

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
March 29, 2018

Heathers: A new spin on a classic cult movie

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
February 23, 2018
Officer David Diestal in his police vehicle.

Profile: David Diestal

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
January 31, 2018
District to address racist student behavior

District to address racist student behavior

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
November 30, 2017

New Year, New Outlook

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
November 26, 2017
Atmika Iyer

Combine your cultures: The ‘S Movement’

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
May 12, 2017
Atmika Iyer

Think before you speak

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
February 24, 2017
Atmika Iyer

Body shaming: You are not fat, you have fat

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
January 31, 2017
Atmika Iyer

The Electoral College discourages democracy

Atmika Iyer, Graduated Editor-in-Chief
December 16, 2016
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